Alkali, or alkaline, soils are clay soils with high pH (> 9), a poor soil structure and a low infiltration capacity. Often they have a hard calcareous layer at 0.5 to 1 metre depth. Alkali soils owe their unfavorable physico-chemical properties mainly to the dominating presence of sodium carbonate which causes the soil to swell. They derive their name from the alkali metal group of elements to which the sodium belongs and that can induce basicity. Sometimes these soils are also referred to as (alkaline) sodic soils.
Alkaline soils are basic, but not all basic soils are alkaline, see: "difference between alkali and base"
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The causes of soil alkalinity are natural or they can be man-made.
The extent of alkaline soils is not precisely known.[1]
Alkaline soils are difficult to take into agricultural production. Due to the low infiltration capacity, rain water stagnates on the soil easily and, in dry periods, irrigation is hardly possible. Agriculture is limited to crops tolerant to surface waterlogging (e.g. rice, grasses) and the productivity is low.
Soil alkalinity is associated with the presence of sodium carbonates or (soda) (Na2CO3) in the soil,[2] either as a result of natural weathering of the soil particles or brought in by irrigation and/or flood water.
The sodium carbonate, when dissolved in water, dissociates into 2Na+ (two sodium cations, i.e. ions with a positive electric charge) and CO3= (a carbonate anion, i.e. an ion with a double negative electric charge).
The sodium carbonate can react with water to produce carbon dioxide (CO2), escaping as a gas, and sodium hydroxide (Na+OH–), which is alkaline (or rather basic) and gives high pH values (pH>9).[2]
The reaction between Na2CO3 and H2O can be represented as follows:
The acid H2CO3 is unstable and produces H2O (water) and CO2 (carbon dioxide gas, escaping into the atmosphere). This explains the remaining alkalinity (or rather basicity) in the form of soluble sodium hydroxide and the high pH or low pOH.
Not all sodium carbonate follows the above chemical reaction. The remaining sodium carbonate, and hence the presence of CO3= ions, causes CaCO3 (which is only slightly soluble) to precipitate as solid calcium carbonate (limestone). Hence, the calcium ions Ca++ are immobilized.
The presence of abundant Na+ ions in the soil solution and the precipitation of Ca++ ions as a solid mineral causes the clay particles, which have negative electric charges along their surfaces, to adsorb more Na+ in the diffuse adsorption zone (DAZ, see figure, officially called diffuse double layer [3] ) and, in exchange, release Ca++, by which their exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) is increased as illustrated in the figure.
Na+ is more mobile and has a smaller electric charge than Ca++ so that the thickness of the DAZ increases as more sodium is present. The thickness is also influenced by the total concentration of ions in the soil moisture in the sense that higher concentrations cause the DAZ zone to shrink.
Clay particles with considerable ESP (> 16), in contact with non-saline soil moisture have an expanded DAZ zone and the soil swells (dispersion).[3] The phenomenon results in deterioration of the soil structure, and especially crust formation and compaction of the top layer. Hence the infiltration capacity of the soil and the water availability in the soil is reduced, whereas the surface-water-logging or runoff is increased. Seedling emergence and crop production are badly affected.
Alkalinity problems are more pronounced in clay soils than in loamy, silty or sandy soils. The clay soils containing montmorillonite or smectite (swelling clays) are more subject to alkalinity problems than illite or kaolinite clay soils. The reason is that the former types of clay have larger specific surface areas (i.e. the surface area of the soil particles divided by their volume) and higher cation exchange capacity (CEC).
Alkaline soils with solid CaCO3 can be reclaimed with grass cultures, ensuring the incorporation of much acidifying organic material into the soil, and leaching of the excess sodium.[4] Deep plowing and incorporating the calcareous subsoil into the top soil also helps.
In some agricultural areas, the use of subsurface "tile lines" are used to facilitate drainage and leach salts.
It is also possible to reclaim alkaline soils by adding acidifying minerals like pyrite.
Alternatively, gypsum (calcium sulfate, CaSO4. 2H2O) can also be applied as a source of Ca++ ions to replace the sodium at the exchange complex.[4] There must be enough natural drainage to the underground, or else an artificial subsurface drainage system must be present, to permit leaching of the excess sodium by percolation of rain and/or irrigation water through the soil profile.
To reclaim the soils completely one needs prohibitively high doses of amendments. Most efforts are therefore directed to improving the top layer only (say the first 10 cm of the soils), as the top layer is most sensitive to deterioration of the soil structure.[4] The treatments, however, need to be repeated in a few (say 5) years time.
It will be important to refrain from irrigation with poor quality water.
The quality of the irrigation water in relation to the alkalinity hazard is expressed by the following two indexes:
1) The sodium adsorption ratio (SAR,[2] )
The formula for calculating sodium adsorption ratio is:
[Na+] {Na+/23}
SAR = ───────────── = ──────────────
√[Ca++/2 + Mg++/2] √{Ca++/40 + Mg++/24}
where: [ ] stands for concentration in milliequivalents/liter (briefly meq/l), and { } stands for concentration in mg/l.
It is seen that Mg (Magnesium) is thought to play a similar role as Ca (Calcium).
The SAR should not be much higher than 20 and preferably less than 10;
When the soil has been exposed to water with a certain SAR value for some time, the ESP value tends to become about equal to the SAR value.
2) The residual sodium carbonate (RSC, meq/l,[2]):
The formula for calculating residual sodium carbonate is:
RSC = [HCO3– + CO3=] ‑ [Ca+++ Mg++]
= {HCO3–/61 + CO3=/30} ‑ {Ca++/20 + Mg++/12}
which must not be much higher than 1 and preferably less than 0.5.
The above expression recognizes the presence of bicarbonates (HCO3–), the form in which most carbonates are dissolved.
Saline soils are mostly also sodic (the predominant salt is sodium chloride), but they do not have a very high pH nor a poor infiltration rate. Upon leaching they are usually not converted into a (sodic) alkali soil as the Na+ ions are easily removed. Therefore, saline (sodic) soils mostly do not need gypsum applications for their reclamation.[5]